Thursday, March 15

Basketball Inter SBP ( HKSBP North Zone)

phew phew . okay . peace be upon . :)
hessy , my blog is pretty like a corpse . HAHAHAHAHA . ehem ehem . okay , let focus on the title .
before that ,just wanna tell my team only got in quarter final . :'(
however , it's a nice improvement of us . ohh , i'm touched .
we admitted that we were so ignorant before we entered this sport  and now ?so this the superb result , 
athough we did not wanna to be like that , but at least as a something that can be proud . HAHA . we aimed to get in final buutt.., YESS , i know it's an impossible dream but impossible is nothing , right ? *scheme words* finee-- .
on quarter final , that terrible accident happened again to me . i repeated : ME . *sighed
we met with the SABDA school err or Bagan Datoh Science School . when the game took place , ==' they were like a monster starving for homosaphien's meats . HAIYOO . *ganas gila kott*
 when i'm 3 years old *if i'm not mistaken* , well , a kid is growing . overactive me . once day , i'm played KOKKONG with my soul sis . :) and i so excited until i released my arms around her neck . andddd .... i falled . falled on big stone outside house .
DUSSSHH ! my head bleeded and i'm YOWLED WITH ALL MY MIGHT , my mum panicked until didn't know what to do then my dad quickly sent me to hospital . *sakit Ya Allah yg tahu*   i had 6 stitches on my head .
annndddd the same accident happened when i'm 6 years old . in shower . it's more extreme and terrific so better unstory here . hee :D . 10 stitches i had .
Alhamdulillah , Allah S.W.T still gimme chance to stay alive . 
and when we gamed with SABDA , HE gives me another chance to explore HIS big , beautiful world .
guess what , when i was to grab the ball with them and the ball was able in my hand then they refused to lie me down and then charged again with 'football-kicking' session by one of them . PERGH ! don't ask me how sick it is . my head , okay ! fortunately i'm fine .
doctor said ; your head still to be care . just a little cracked . okay ? 
and he gives a huge and sweet smile :))
even we' losed , we still glad because they won with violent . meaningless la weyy .
Dear SABDA*girls basketball , go back and ask your parents to send you to kindergarten and learned how to respect and how to play with humans,not animals , okay ?
DEAR my teammate ; Nur Qhairunnisha,Nurul Hanani,Nurezzatul,Siti Syadiyah,Hani Nadhirah,Fatin Nurfarisha,Nur Ain Syahmina,Nur Amirah Ainaa,Nur Hidayah,Mahirah Mansor and Murni Sazlynda you're awesome ! we will rock in HKSBP 2013 ! we've to made it ! :D it's our year !
DEAR our coaches ; Cikgu Bobby , bro Luqman : THANKS ! you've made us to be in this good level :D 

cikgu Bobby :)

Bro Luqman ;) *LEFT*